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Konference COFOLA

22. 4. 2021 @ 8:00 - 23. 4. 2021 @ 17:00

The conference “COFOLA = Conference for Young Lawyers” is annually organized by the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University from 2007. The main aim of this conference is to give the floor to the doctoral students and young scientists at their early stage of career and enable them to present the results of their scientific activities. COFOLA INTERNATIONAL focuses primarily on issues of international law and the regulation of cross-border relations and is also oriented to doctoral students and young scientists from foreign countries. COFOLA INTERNATIONAL contributes to the development of international cooperation between students and young scientists from different countries. It constitutes a platform for academic discussion and develops scientific and presentation skills of young scientists. Such a platform for scientific debate beyond the boundaries of one country contributes to the global view on the law, which is so vital in current days.

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22. 4. 2021 @ 8:00
23. 4. 2021 @ 17:00
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